Friday 23 September 2016

It's Friday night at the EIS, Sheffield and at half-time the score is.....

21-34 to the Sheffield Sharks against Leicester Riders.  It's been a tight game so far, a few nervous mistakes on both sides as the teams reprise their BBL playoff final match in slightly smaller circumstances.

 Tony Wroblicky gets the first points of the season, 2-0
Shaheed Davis goes for a basket

It's the start of the 2016-17 British Basketball League and in an experiment I've decided to try editing and posting some photos during the game.

This has involved hooking up the laptop to my mobile phone as the wifi (which isn't great in the first place) tends to get swamped during a game.  The process then runs something like this.  Shoot to first XQD card in the camera.  During the game tag (protect) any potential usable shots.  As half-time approaches, copy the protected files to the second XQD card.  Then use this card (with a greatly reduced number of photos) to pass them to the laptop for processing and then loading up to social media etc.

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