Friday 17 May 2013

Protective Lens Cap

If you bought a car and the manufacturer didn't think to give you a windscreen, just a bit of sheeting to cover you while driving, you would think yourself pretty short-changed.

Well, for some reason, camera lens manufacturers seem to think that when you spend a heck of a lot of money on a BIG lens, they can do away with giving you a lens cap.  Never mind that gorgeous front element, all you get is something like a neoprene/polypropolene(?) 'sock' to cover it with.

Well, thank goodness for Don Zeck.  He manufactures lens caps for high-end Canon and Nikon lens which can be used with out without the lens hood.

I recently got one for my 300mm f/2.8 lens and it is so good to know that there is a bit of extra protection on a piece of glass that I plan on having for the next 10 years or so.

See more at:

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